
about mathi

1988年生まれ。増井 誠。

ReactベースのGatsby.jsを用いたJAMSTACK構成のCMSサイト構築、Gsapを活用したリッチなアニメーションを備えたWebサイトの制作、WordPress/movable type/PowerCMSのCMSでの構築、 ECサイトの構築はShopifyを得意としております。



これまでのプロジェクトの実績につきましては Awwwards (opens in a new tab).からもご覧いただけます。

Makoto Masui. Born in 1988. Based in Tokyo.

I work as a freelance web designer and web Developer, specializing in web creative work based in Tokyo. I excel in web design, creating websites with rich animations, utilizing front-end technologies, and building e-commerce sites.

Please feel free to contact me for inquiries or consultations from corporate clients and brands.
I also look forward to collaborating with passionate colleagues. 🙇‍♂️

Please view mathi projects on Awwwards (opens in a new tab).

mathi Makoto Masui / 増井 誠

Service Providing.

X @mathi_tokyo (opens in a new tab)
Instagram @mathi_tokyo (opens in a new tab)
GitHub @mathmaco (opens in a new tab)